Our Core Beliefs
At Hawthorne Financial Advisors, LLC our core beliefs include:
- Honesty, fairness and communication are required for all positive relationships.
- The foundation for your investment strategy should be a financial plan which is based on what is most important to you and reflects your risk tolerance and capacity.
- Being in the market is the most important source of returns rather than security selection or timing.
- Beating the market consistently is an unrealistic expectation.
- You shouldn’t take on more risk than you need to in order to achieve your goals.
- Diversification within and among asset classes is critical to managing risk.
- Modifying your investment allocations in recognition of the current risk-reward profile of the market helps you stay the course and remain in the market.
- Once in the market, there are two keys to maximizing your results:
- Stick to your investment plan, and
- Minimize fees and taxes.
- You should always think long-term when investing – a 5-year time horizon should be the minimum but preferably a 10-year (or more) horizon.
- You should always look at your entire financial picture (e.g., all of your assets, investments, liabilities, etc.) rather than view any investment, account or asset type in isolation.